Monday, August 31, 2009

iZO Cleanze: Day Five

I made it to Monday - and it hasn't been bad so far. I'd say the worst of it has been missing meals: the planning of, the preparation of, the consuming of ... food plays a huge role in our lives and not having those occasions is very strange indeed. That's not to say I was hungry; I wasn't. I just missed the anticipation of knowing I'd be enjoying that piece of grilled fish, that fresh salad or that slice of PIE!

My energy level has maintained - I'm not super-energetic, mind you. I feel just fine. A friend asked if I thought she could take spinning classes while on the cleanse. The answer for me was no. I swam some laps yesterday, but it was very leisurely. I also took a lot of walks this weekend with Savannah and the heat was so intense, I was fairly tired when I returned home. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make it through a spinning class right now (I usually do 3-4/week).

OK, so I got on the scale today and had lost the 1/2 pound I'd put on yesterday. So, seven pounds (in four days) and holding. We'll see about tomorrow....

This has been an interesting experience to say the least! I've gotten used to the taste of the juices and feel like I could continue this for a good long while. Suddenly it doesn't seem unreasonable that someone could do this for two weeks or more. Still, I think I'll stop, as I said I would, after five days. I think it's time to reintroduce food to my diet - even if it's just gazpacho (which I plan to make tonight in anticipation of my "first meal" tomorrow!). And, well ... maybe one last glass of rosé to celebrate the end of summer!


jenchiu said...

Hi -- found your blog through your awesome website! I'm a junior associate working at a small PR firm in Century City. Work is extremely slow right now, but this blog is keeping me company. So please keep writing =).

I was walking through the century city mall the other day and got caught at a stand that was selling a similar green tea mixture thing. I was tempted...but I'll let someone else try it out first.

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